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"I live outside of the box I always have & I suspect I always will. This is where my tribe lives. I'm a dancer first, beginning at 3 & joining an international touring company based in NYC for years. I write & take pictures. I'm passionate about creativity as the pathway to bring "heart" back into humanity! I love humanity, humility and the creative spirit. I'm passionate about fostering & rekindling the arts in all its forms for all of humanity, it is the arts that will bring & sustain peace".
Lisa Thomas has been an artist all her life practicing and living within many forms of artistic expressions. She has spent the majority of her artistic life as a dancer and writer and always has had an interest in photograqphy, going no where without her camera. Lisa has also worked in the nonprofit sector for decades which included employment as the executive director of the Santa Barbara Dance Alliance and a social worker for children in the dependency system. She holds an M.A. in clinical psychology. Photography for Lisa is an artistic expressive art which captures one person's view and shares that view with others hoping to generate a new perspective and inspiration.
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